Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Painted Lady

Ah yes, the issue of paint.

I'm a huge fan of charcoal for everything... cars, bikes, etc.

Why? I would prefer that my bike be naked, truthfully... or clear powder-coated. This is not an option.

I don't like the idea of the paint of a bike being its most recognized feature. The paint should not take away from the "hard" aspects of the bike (frame, drivetrain). The paint should only enhance the features of the frame.

So I marched up to Roger, Paintman Extraordinaire, and said "I want charcoal or silver with a black candy overcoat."

Roger is a color God. He's been a painter for probably 30 years.

Also, he has an Opel.

Roger: "No you don't... the black candy isn't really black. It's got blue in it..."

Me: "Ew."

Roger: "Now, a bike came through the other day this color..."

"Fine Russet Pearl"

Roger showed me this color. It's pink in white light, but turns velvety in the sun... with brown undertones. I'm currently thinking this pink with a pearl white head tube.

I know... sounds sketchy. The paint guys say it would be stunning. They would know.

Everyone I talk to says that the detail on the head tube is so subtle that the head tube HAS to be a different color. I don't know how I feel about it yet.

I do like the idea of a pink bike the more I think about it. I'm a freaking girl, gosh darnit! I get to have my pink freaking bike!

What will I name it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:03 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

This from the kid with the "ninja bike" idea...

Yeah, sure, Fidler.

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's pink, you can name it "the panther." At least if you're going to paint it a wussy color, give it a tight name. Make sure it can hold its head tube high - that is, if anyone can actually see it.

8:05 PM  

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